NEW Stories! Updated 11/22/05
Some of these stories will be up @ / new stuff up every day @
A Night at the Swiss Miss Hotel
9:00 pm
Room 212:: The two surviving members of the Tom Selleck fan
club trim their mustaches and cry.
Room 514:: Tom Selleck tries on hundreds of flowered shirts, yet
none of them feel right anymore.
Rm 79
(pop sensation Nick Lachey and rap/fashion mogul P Diddy are huddled together
in a tiny bathtub)
Nick:: Is that yellow rubber thing a rubber ducky?
P. Diddy:: no.
Nick:: L O L !
P Diddy:: (scared) what is it then?
Nick:: (announcer voice)Conannnnnnn O’ Brriiiiiiieeeennnn!
P. Diddy:: (wildly coughing)
Nick:: (now holding hands with Conan Obrien)
Those little cubs were oh so courageous. Six tiny paws raised defiantly towards a cloudy grey sky. And by the old tree trunk
they stood their ground; firm and strong. The whispers of the villainous foxes began to grow closer and each breaking twig
in the distance signaled the arrival of what they had all feared most. Through the trees in front of them appeared an uncountable
number of hideous eyes reflecting in the moonlight. The lapse in time is now infinite; lurching forward, but also willing
to stumble back on itself. It is at these grand and significant moments in life that we may realize something that lies beneath
the obvious structure of our world. Right now, at this very minute, a brave group of cubs have collided with an unfathomable
amount of knowledge on the workings of our world. And though they are engulfed with a deep and warranted fear, we see the
hint of a smile begin on all of them. As giant teeth open in front of them, they laugh knowing that there are adorable three
eyed creatures that live five miles below our feet. As these teeth sink into their chests, they grin with the newfound understanding
of the meaning of true love. As their little hearts slow and stop, they lay next to their favorite tree stump, smiling at
those foxes.
The foxes form a circle around the cubs. Brilliant white teeth gone red, they lower their heads. A deep and unmovable sadness
swells around them. They miss the cubs, but more than that, they are jealous of those enlightened smiles.
This very same moment has happened many times at this very same tree stump...
The two men, their twisted ankles still fresh with pain, raise their wine glasses to toast the realization of their dreams.
Suddenly, they feel a wave of fear ripple up their backs...
"Dear Howie" a weeky QandA with comedic legend Howie Mandel.
Dear Howie,
First off, let me say what a huge fan of your work I am...and the list goes on and on. My grandmother saw
you on Leno last week and said you had a "crazy" hat on. I can only imagine how funny that was.
I hope it's o.k. I am writing you; I got your mailing address from a call girl my uncle "knows."
Anyway, I wanted to ask you for any tips you may have on how to get your foot in the door, literally.
Yours Truly,
Ike Turner
Dear Ike,
That hat was "crazy!" Please let your grandmother know I went on
an all out shopping spree at various Spencer's Gifts, so the laughs will
surely continue. I guess the best way to answer your question would
have to be... "Waazzzzzuuuppppp!"
Howie M.
I think his name was Reverend Wakefield. He was from somewhere in Georgia and he drove a tan convertible (I forget the
make). Anyway, this crazy bastard set up a fake adoption agency at his church. He would take these babies from their mothers
and say he would place them in foster homes. He did this for about two or three years and then shut the operation down due
to what he said was lack of funding from penny-pinching parishioners.
The mothers were calling him everyday to find out where their children had ended up but the reverend told them that the
paperwork had burned in a fire at the church. They were obviously furious, but what could be done?
All the while, however, the reverend has these thirty or so kids stuffed in a closet in the storage room of the church.
He sneaks down there about twice a day and feeds them, but these poor babies are sleeping in their own piss and shit for Christs
So, about a year goes by and all of the women who had given their children up for adoption get together and decide to find
out whats really going on. Turns out that, in Japan, friggin baby-toes are like a delicacy or something. Those sick fucks
pay like a thousand bucks a toe! They just dip the toe in some sauce and swallow it whole. Reverend Wakefield sees a special
on Inside Edition about it and comes up with this adoption scheme. Rumor has it he was in some sort of gambling debt and needed
to make some quick cash. he was mailing out about 5 or 6 toes a week out to Japan and making a real killing. That fucking cocksucker
probably never even would have been caught except, get this, he decides he needs to see what all the fuss is about with this
whole baby-toe-eating craze. He goes down to the closet, cuts a toe off little Danny Hogan, and starts chewing on it!
Well, I guess Danny has like a wart or something on that toe and, when Reverend Wakefield sinks his teeth in, the thing
pops and puss starts shooting everywhere. He slips in a puddle of puss and falls. He lands smack on his head and is out cold.
Now the Reverend is supposed to be doing the 3 Oclock mass and its about 2:00 when this whole fiasco goes down. All of
the mothers who had given up their babies had decided to go to the mass to confront him and find out what was going on with
their missing paperwork. At about 3:30 everyone in the church starts wondering where Reverend Wakefield is. Being so anxious
to meet with him, the mothers decide to go find him. After about 20 minutes they make their way down to the church storage
room. They open the door and there on the floor is Reverend Wakefield. Hes got Danny Hogans toe in his mouth and the closet
door is wide open. I guess the screams could be heard 2 miles away when those women saw their babies (half of them toe-less)
stuffed in a closet covered in blood, shit, and piss.
Members of Rage Against The Machine trying to complete basic household tasks, but they flip out when songs hit the amazing,
yet somewhat cliche peaks. IE a repeated phrase backed by a repeated hot guitar RIFF. FREEDOM!! (smashes all the dishes
in the sink) BULLS ON PARADE (snaps the broom in half)
Arrows, Hugs and Kisses.
William:: 3 years old, brown eyes.
Thomas:: 2.5 years old, blue eyes.
William is running down a crowded New York City sidewalk. He is carrying
a Juice box and a loaded shotgun.
Thomas is chasing after William. He has a dirty diaper and a 9mm.
Small Town Life
Within the dark and tangled forest of Chicago suburban life, there lived a young boy named Brekin Wolfe, better
known in the Chi-town suburbs as The Wolf. The Wolf lived on the 3rd floor of a triple-decker house
35 minutes outside the city. Mr. Wolfe was an assistant to the assistant manager at the auto parts shop two blocks away. Mrs.
Wolfe worked every Tuesday afternoon at the Christian Science Reading room but, other than that, she just seemed to sit and
cry a lot.
Now, dont get the wrong idea; it wasnt that The Wolf was a bad kid. There was just something about him that
kept people away.
It all began in a normal enough fashion. He was born in 1981 surrounded by balloons and smiling grandparents
and he was brought home to his very own bedroom. For the first few weeks, his mother and father would spend hours staring
in wonderment at this beautiful creature they had created together. The two of them would often sleep on the floor next to
the crib, smiling at each other every time The Wolf made a sound.
When The Wolf was a little over a month old, his legendary odd behavior began.
Mr. Wolfe was sitting at the kitchen table going through the monthly bills when he heard his son begin to
cry from the other room. Mr. Wolfe rushed to the scene to make sure everything was o.k. As he flicked the light switch on,
he screamed. There, in his tiny crib, The Wolf was covered in blood. He had pulled one of the wooden rails of his crib out
of its socket, placed it in between his feet, and plunged his left eye down on it. Blood was pouring out of where the eye
used to be. Upon the site of this, Mr. Wolfe passed out on the floor at the base of the crib.
At this time, The Wolf instantly stopped crying and seemed to have even cracked a smile.
This frightful type of event happened fairly frequently over the next 8 months. At 2 months old, The Wolf
got his hands on a stapler and attached his hand to a blanket. He giggled all the way to the hospital. At 4 months, The Wolf
climbed onto the dining table and stuck his head into the chicken noodle soup, giving himself 2nd degree burns.
Smelling delicious, he read Run Spot Run seven times on the ride to the hospital.
Years crept by. The Wolf continued to find creative ways to injure himself, while his parents kept finding
creative ways to hide his injuries from Social Services. By age five, The Wolf was terrifying to look at.
An abridged version of his visible flaws included:
Patch covering left eye
Limp on the right side
missing left index finger
missing right thumb
65% of scalp visible
missing 8 top teeth
missing 6 bottom teeth
30% of bottom lip missing
An Interview with Bob Barker
Q:: Bob, I myself and a huge fan of the "what if's" What if animals took over the world, started a gameshow and wore t-shirts
with a picture of you having your balls cut off on it?
A:: (Bob Barker puts down his tiny microphone and leaves the room)
Jack Was Always Angry
Jack fell in love with a bathtub.
He kissed it all over.
Jack made love to the bathtub
(It drained the passion from their relationship.)
Bee Sexy, Bee Brave!
An elderly woman puts on a mini-skirt to take a walk on a hot summer
afternoon. Two 7 year-old boys see the elderly woman in her mini-skirt
and both throw up...
...not because the woman in the mini-skirt so old, but because they both feel
so disgusted at the amount of pressure put on the women of our society to
dress sexy. With vomit on their shirts they wonder where the value of inner
beauty has gone.
An interview with Kevin Turner the creator of the Power Thought Method
Q:: Please indulge us to how your Power ThoughtMethod really works.
A:: Kevin Turner (sreaming violently) I'm glad you asked because people ask me all the time, "Kevin, I want
to think more intensly, but how?" Well, the Power Thought Methodis the answer, plain and simple. In 3 easy steps, you can
be on your way to thinking more powerfully, accomplishing goals, and yes, making money like you've only dreamed of. How, simple;
our brain works like a collection of wires, similar to telephone lines, telling our body how to move. What if we eliminate
the wires and operate our apendages directly? People say to me "Yes, Kevin, but how?" Simple, Power Thought Method.
Cannibal Anibal Eye
My "uncle" Henry was I guess what they call a "casual" Cannibal. I don't know
what that means, but he used to gnaw on my "cousin" Pam's wrist at Thanksgiving dinner.
An Introduction to Taxes.
Over the third hill Henry saw a tiny apple orchid that looked like the perfect place to take a nap. He still
had a stack of more than twenty newspapers under his are, but he was far to tired to worry about that now. He sat underneath
the biggest tree he could find and closed his eyes. The warm summer breeze felt good on his face.
"Ello Ello I say"
Henry jumped up, startled by a voice that sounded extremely close by.
"Who goes there?!" Henry demanded.
"Up here young man."
Henry looked up...and there on the lowest branch of the apple tree sat a finely
dressed pebble.
"You scared me sir!" Henry called up to him.
"Oh dear, I am truly sorry. I surely did not intend to." The pebble replied.
"May I say that you are the finest dressed pebble I have ever seen. You
are handsome, yet humble and refined at the same time." said Henry.
"Why thank you young man." The pebble said as he tipped his hat.
"Sir Pebble...because I find you oh so attractive, do you think that means that
I am gay?" Henry asked.
"hhhmmmm," The pebble pondered, "Well young man. I am not sure, but I must warn you that pebbles are not alive
and that also they do not talk to young boys in apple orchids on warm summer days."
With that the pebble fine attire fell off.
The boy awoke. His pants were on backwards and there was a puddle next to him with a tiny pebble in the center of it.
An Interview with legendary Hollywood
Squares Star; Whoopie Goldberg.
Q:: How has the backlash been since the recent launch of the Whoopie Pie marketing campaign?
A:: Whoopie Goldberg:: (gets up and leaves the room)
Q:: Hahaha, well folks.. I guess you could say X takes the center square.
Part One:: Love River East
You are a river.
I would like to drink,
from your glistening stream.
Happy, Daisy, Crazy dream.
Eat my fingernails.
You are gross?
I love you.
You I love.
The Sad Life of Herbert T. Holmes
...I was born in 1845 in the town of Lexington where my father raised pigs. In 1846 he mistook
me for a small runt and placed me in with the pigs. My blind mother raised a bag of sugar, believing it was me, Herbert
T. Holmes. She died in the winter of 1849 of depression; feeling she had been a horrible mother, for her son never
grew, ate nor spoke. In 1851 my father won first prize at the fair for the the smartest pig who, in fact was me, six years
old at the time. Though I received no formal education, I became an intellectual amount the pig community. In
1853 my father slaughtered me for what many call the most delicious pig sold in the thirteen colonies.
Not New!
Elvis Is To__________ As Ace Of Base Is To_______________
Who's The Boss Is To_________ As Whiffle Ball/Haircuts Are To____
Terrible Song Lyric Of The Week
"I'm sorry for 2004" R.S.